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Becoming a Teacher

Educational Requirements - Teachers:

To become a teacher you usually need a bachelor's degree. All public schools require that and many private schools do as well. Generally, one has to complete an approved teacher training program that includes earning a specified number of subject and education credits and doing practical training, i.e. student teaching. Many school districts around the U.S. now accept bachelor's degrees in other majors. Some states also require teachers to earn a master's degree within a certain amount of time. Requirements for preschool teachers vary by state. Some require a bachelor's degree in early childhood education while others require an associate degree.

Other Requirements - Teachers:

All states and the District of Columbia require public school teachers to be licensed. State boards or departments of education generally issue these licenses. In order to become licensed, one must generally pass an exam that demonstrates competency in basic skills and proficiency in his or her subject area.

Career Advancement Opportunities - Teachers:

With experience, some teachers become school administrators. Others get additional training and become guidance counselors, school librarians and reading specialists.

Job Outlook - Teachers:

Employment of kindergarten through secondary school teachers will grow as fast as the average for all occupations through 2018. Job opportunities will vary from good to excellent. This will depend on location, grade level and subject specialty. For example, there will be a greater demand for mathematics, science and bi-lingual education teachers and for those who want to teach in less desirable school districts. ... More

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